// Revolutionary in the Tea Ceremony

Matcha Monster

About MM

Matcha Monster (MM) wears a matcha costume and MM's job is to promote matcha. MM has bear-like ears because MM likes bears.

Matcha Monster is made of rice cake on the outside and red bean paste on the inside.
Matcha Monster can eat anything, but loves sweet beans.

🎂Birthday: March 10th
🏣Resides:310-888-3-10 Matcha-cho, Leaf City, Japan
🌿Leaf number:8888-888888-8888

Personality:Fearless and curious
Special skills:Dancing, Kiki Matcha, Wearing various kinds of costumes, Introducing Japanese culture in general
Hobbies:Musicals, Watching professional wrestling, Matches SHAKA SHAKA battle
Favorite word:A little chaos in my daily life

Matcha is "from Japan to the World".

Matcha is now known around the world. From Japan to the world, MM will conduct activities to make it known to more people!

Introducing Matcha from around Japan

Matacha Monster will not only introduce you to the history and cultural background of matcha, but also assist in the actual promotion of the products as well as the actual sales of the products.

Collaborating with various traditional Japanese cultures.

Matcha Monster will actively collaborate with various projects as an evangelist not only for matcha but also for Japanese culture in general.

MM will deliver the funny story.

Matcha Monster distributes fun stories on Instagram, Youtube, and other social networking services.

Manga & Anime

You'll be able to see the Matcha Monster in manga and anime! Coming soon!!

Contact MM

We are looking for people who would like to work with Matcha Monster. Any collaborations are welcome! Please feel free to contact us!

© Matcha Monster 2025. All rights reserved.

Thank you!

The Matcha Monster will always be with you.